Annales Zubirianus







































Xavier Zubiri






Submissions of new contributions to Annales Zubirianus should be sent to the e-mail address of the editor and/or co-editor (contact).


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission complies with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors.


Conditions for submission:

- the contribution must be original and unpublished and not under consideration for publication in another journal; otherwise, the justification must be presented in the body of the e-mail in which the contribution will be sent;

- the submission file must be presented in Microsoft Word or compatible format;

- the text must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described below.


Guidelines for Authors:

1 Proposals may be submitted in Spanish or Portuguese.


2 The texts submitted will be evaluated by two (neutral) examiners, and the Annales Zubirianus Board will have the right to publish or reject the work.


3 Text style:

a Title centred, Times New Roman 14 font, uppercase and bold.


b Body text in Times New Roman 12.


Long direct quotations should be in Times New Roman 11 with single line spacing and a 4 cm indentation from the left margin.


d Full name of the author(s) and, in a footnote on the first page, the full highest degree (remembering that post-doctorate is not a degree), institution of origin and contact e-mail address.


e Abstract of 250 to 500 words, single spaced between lines. The structure of the abstract should include: the aim of the article, the methodology or section used, the data collected, and a brief conclusion of the analyses carried out. The abstract must be translated into English.


f Keywords: minimum 3 and maximum 6 and separated by semicolons.


g Page layout: A4 size sheet (29.7 x 21 cm); margins: top 3 (three) cm; bottom 2 (two) cm; left 3 (three) cm; right 2 (two) cm; 1.5 spacing.


h Charts and graphs should be included in the body of the text.


i Footnotes should only be used for explanatory additions.


j Contributions must follow the following sequence: Title // Translated title // Abstract // Keywords // Translated abstract // Translated keywords // Introduction // Text with subheadings // Conclusion // References.


4 References:

a Only quotations that appear in the text should be listed in the references. References to authors should be made throughout the text, using the following model: (SURNAME, year, page); e.g.: (ZUBIRI, 1980, p. 65). In the case of titles by the same author published in the same year, add lowercase letters in alphabetical order after the year; e.g. (ZUBIRI, 2006a), (ZUBIRI, 2006b) etc. In the case of titles with the same surname published in the same year but by different authors, add the first letter of the pre-name; e.g. (M. COSTA, 2016), (L. COSTA, 2016).


b The list of references at the end of the text should be single-spaced.


c Model to be strictly followed for the list of references:


Book: ZUBIRI, X. Inteligencia sentiente: Inteligencia y Realidad. Vol. I. 1ª Edición. Madrid: Ed. Alianza/ Fund. Xavier Zubiri. 1980.


Book organisation: BERNARDES, Matheus; COSTA, Valeriano; NEVES, Marcos (Org.). Xavier Zubiri: Interfaces. São Paulo: Ideias e Letras, 2020.


Book chapter: MEINHARDT, Giovani. Zubiri no Brasil: Encobrimento e Descobrimento. In: BERNARDES, Matheus (Org.). Xavier Zubiri: Interfaces. São Paulo: Ideias e Letras, 2020, p. 15-31.


Article: CHAVES DE SOUZA, Vitor; GOTO, Tommy. Deus senciente: o lugar de Xavier Zubiri na filosofia da religião. Estudos da Religião, v. 34, n. 2, São Bernardo do Campo, p. 199-223, 2020.


Thesis or dissertation: BEZERRA, João José. A estrutura dinâmica da liturgia à luz do realismo zubiriano. 194p. Tese (Doutorado em Teologia), PUC-SP, São Paulo, 2023.


Newspaper text: VASQUES DA CUNHA, Martim. Filosofia do espanhol Xavier Zubiri é o tema de “O que é a Inteligência?”. Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 01 abr., 2017, Álias, p. 13.


Work published in event proceedings: BERNARDES, Matheus. Um ensaio filosófico sobre tempo e esperança. In: II ENCONTRO DE PESQUISA DA FAJE, 2020, Belo Horizonte. Annales Faje. p. 07-15.


Sites: FUNDACIÓN XAVIER ZUBIRI. Index Zubirianus.

Disponível em: <>. Access on: 19 mar. 2023.





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Bandeira da Espanha – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre   Español (España)

Bandeira do Brasil – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre   Português (Brasil)